Digital Smile Design

What is Digital Smile Design (DSD)?

Digital Smile Design (DSD) is an advanced, technology-driven approach to cosmetic and implant dentistry that allows for precise, personalized smile makeovers. Using high-quality digital photographs, videos, and 3D scans of a patient’s teeth and facial structure, DSD creates a detailed, virtual model of the patient’s smile. This model helps both the dentist and the patient visualize the potential outcomes before any treatment begins. DSD is highly customizable, ensuring that the new smile complements the patient’s facial features, dental anatomy, and personal preferences.

How does the process work?

Digital Smile Design (DSD) is a customizable, non-invasive process that allows clinicians to design a smile tailored to your unique facial features. The process requires just two photos—one with your face retracted and another smiling—along with an intraoral scan of your teeth. Using these inputs, advanced digital software creates a personalized smile simulation, showing how the proposed changes will harmonize with your natural facial aesthetics. The process is quick and often included as part of your overall treatment work-up. DSD provides highly accurate results, giving patients a clear preview of their new smile before any treatment begins, ensuring both confidence and precision in the final outcome.